This week saw the 'world premiere' of an animation based on Pádraic Ó Conaire's short story M'Asal Beag Dubh (My Little Black Donkey). The animation was the result of a joint project between Galway City Museum and Claddagh National School.
As part of the Museum's People's History of Galway initiative the children of third class were asked to re-imagine and retell Ó Conaire's much-celebrated, comic tale about the author's first encounter with his long-time travelling companion – a little black donkey – purchased at a fair in Kinvara.
Galway City Musuem worked with sound recorder, Maud Hand, and animator, Edith Pieperhoff, to record and pull together the children's unscripted, and often rambling, retelling. The resulting 5 minute video now forms part of a new exhibition around the Ó Conaire monument. It may also be viewed online via youtube: